Unveil the power of incident accountability with ProTrainings' RIDDOR Training Program

Transform Your Workplace Safety Culture. ProTrainings' RIDDOR Training for Incident Accountability. RIDDOR  is required by law to keep you and your colleagues safe at work. 

What is RIDDOR?

RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. It is a legal requirement in the United Kingdom that mandates employers, self-employed individuals, and people in control of work premises to report certain work-related incidents, injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences to the relevant regulatory authority.

This includes fatalities, major injuries, occupational diseases, and certain dangerous incidents. Reporting helps authorities gather data, improve workplace safety, investigate incidents, and implement preventive measures. Employers and responsible individuals should understand RIDDOR requirements and report incidents promptly.

About our RIDDOR Level 2 (VTQ) training course

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) have been amended as of 6 April 2012. In this course you will learn the lateest advice on RIDDOR and Coronavirus by the HSE. 

You will receive basic training of RIDDOR and how businesses need to plan and follow the rules of the HSE in respect of accident reporting and notification to the HSE.

More about our RIDDOR Level 2 (VTQ) training course

Who benefits from this course?

The RIDDOR course is aimed towards a person in charge at a business. For example, 

  • Managers 
  • Business Owners
  • Health and Safety Personnel 
  • Appointed First Aiders
All businesses need to ensure that they are up to date with all regulations. With this online course, you will be able to get qualified anywhere at anytime on any device. 

Learning outcomes

In this course you will learn what RIDDOR is, what needs reporting, and how it should be done before looking in more depth at specific areas including diseases, gas incidents, and COVID 19.
You will also learn about Accident Books, what information should be recorded and how to record it correctly.

After completion you will feel confident about the responsibilities you are required to carry out in the workplace under RIDDOR. 

Preview the course content:

Section 1

Introduction to RIDDOR

2 mins
1 videos
This section includes:
  • Course Introduction to RIDDOR 2:03
Section 2

RIDDOR Statistics

8 mins
5 videos
This section includes:
  • RIDDOR Injury Statistics - 2023/24 1:50
  • First Aid in the Workplace Injury statistics 1:39
  • Manual Handling Injury Statistics - 2023/24 1:35
  • and more...
Section 3


14 mins
7 videos
This section includes:
  • RIDDOR and Accident Reporting 3:21
  • RIDDOR What and How to Report 1:23
  • RIDDOR Reportable Diseases 2:45
  • and more...
Section 4

The Accident Book

3 mins
2 videos
This section includes:
  • The Accident Book 2:01
  • What Information Goes in the Accident Book 1:05
Section 5

Summary to RIDDOR

2 mins
1 videos
This section includes:
  • Course Summary 2:07

Three Easy Steps, One Exceptional Training

Getting started is easy, you can buy online and start now.  If you need training for your business, contact us for our group discounts.

1 Pay

Take the video training and multiple-choice test. Don't worry, you get another try if you don't pass. And your progress is saved, so you can leave and come back as often as you like. Learn more

2 Pass

Sign up, pay and start your training straight away or enquire for group rates. You will receive 8 months of access to the videos, a printable student manual, an optional weekly video refresher email and a 1-year certificate and 2 hours of certified CPD credits. Learn more

3 Print

Print your certificate and verified CPD time statement and that's it! Your training is complete until it's time to renew again. So you don't forget, we'll send you a reminder email when your training is expiring. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

Which occupations use this course?

The RIDDOR Level 2 (VTQ) Course is perfect for:

  • Managers
  • Health & Safety personnel
  • Business owners
  • First Aiders 

What is CPD and why is having Certified CPD important?

CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development and is required in many business sectors. Even if you do not require a set CPD credit level, having Certifed CPD ensures the quality of training. ProTrainings are the highest gold standard of CPD ensuring that all courses are externally verified and mapped to the highest levels.

What is "SCORM ready" and will courses run on a LMS?

SCORM Ready means that online courses can run on any compatible Learning Management System (LMS). SCORM courses run seamlessly on your existing LMS system without a separate login so staff only login using the existing company system. ProTrainings online courses have an advanced SCORM ready system to give more features than any other company.

Do I receive a certificate after completing your online training?

Yes, when you complete the online course you will be able to download and print a compliant completion certificate, evidenced-based learning statement to confirm course content and a certified CPD statement. There is no extra charge for the certificate.  You can also buy a printed certificate to be posted to you for a small extra fee.

Learn more about ProTrainings training

ProTrainings Europe has produced over 350 video online courses and we also offer training at your workplace or at regional training centres nationwide

Endorsed training as video online, blended, classroom or virtual to meet your busy life. Choose from over 350 courses all CPD Certified with Evidenced Based Learning statements.

Discounts off future courses and company training solutions. Phone 01206 805359 for more information.

Benefits of Choosing ProTrainings for your RIDDOR Level 2 (VTQ) training course

Train anywhere, on any device
Get Certified the Same Day
Unlimited Test Retakes
Your Progress Auto-Saves
Print Your Certificate Immediately