Manual Handling Injury Statistics - 2023/24
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Manual Handling: Risks, Injuries & Prevention
What is Manual Handling?
Manual handling refers to the lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling of objects in the workplace. It is a routine task in many industries, but when done incorrectly, it can lead to serious injuries and long-term health problems.
The Risks of Poor Manual Handling
Failing to use proper manual handling techniques can result in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), including:
- Back injuries – One of the most common workplace complaints, often caused by lifting heavy loads improperly.
- Neck and shoulder strain – Frequently occurring due to repetitive movements or awkward postures.
- Sprains and fractures – Caused by excessive force or improper lifting techniques.
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), manual handling accounts for 20% of all workplace injuries in the UK, leading to significant pain, lost workdays, and increased employer costs.
Statistics on Workplace Manual Handling Injuries
- In 2023-2024, there were 168,000 cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders reported under the RIDDOR regulations.
- 7.8 million working days were lost due to work-related MSDs, impacting businesses and the economy.
- While manual handling injuries had been decreasing before the COVID-19 pandemic, recent trends show that the current rate is similar to 2018/19 levels, highlighting an ongoing concern.
Preventing Manual Handling Injuries
Employers and employees can take steps to minimise the risks associated with manual handling by:
- ✅ Using proper lifting techniques – Bending the knees, keeping the back straight, and lifting with the legs.
- ✅ Avoiding repetitive movements – Rotating tasks and taking breaks to reduce strain.
- ✅ Using mechanical aids – Such as trolleys, hoists, or conveyor belts to minimise physical effort.
- ✅ Training employees – Ensuring all staff understand the risks and best practices for safe manual handling.
By prioritising safe manual handling practices, workplaces can reduce injuries, improve employee well-being, and maintain productivity.