Reportable Gas Incidents

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Reporting Flammable Gas Incidents

Distributors, fillers, importers, and suppliers of flammable gas have specific reporting responsibilities if they become aware of serious incidents related to the gas they handle. This includes cases where individuals have lost consciousness, been hospitalised, or died as a result of their gas products.

Reporting Responsibilities

1. Reporting by Gas Suppliers

If distributors, fillers, importers, or suppliers of flammable gas learn directly or indirectly that someone has suffered a serious incident—such as loss of consciousness, hospitalisation, or death—in connection with the gas they provided, they must report this information online.

2. Reporting by Gas Safe Registered Engineers

Gas engineers registered with the Gas Safe Register must report any gas appliances or fittings deemed dangerous. This includes situations where:

  • Design Issues: Deficiencies in design, construction, installation, modification, or servicing.
  • Gas Leaks: Accidental gas leaks or inadequate combustion.
  • Inadequate Removal: Insufficient removal of combustion products.

Such reports should be made online, particularly if there is a risk of death, loss of consciousness, or the need for hospital treatment due to these dangerous conditions.